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18:41:57 - 2000-06-23
I was at this BBQ a couple of weeks ago- and it was one of those situations where like, your bare nutsack ends up pancaked against the sliding glass door between the living room and the back porch. So anyway...Saturday I'm at another party and this girl from the BBQ was there, and first thing she says is "ewwww, the image of your pancaked nutsack...I can't seem to shake it" so I was all "hahaha wow. sorry"; but then she wouldn't let it go. All night man she would not shut up- and the thing is she's a hard-drinking punk rocker who just quit drinking and I'm concerned that talking about my nutsack may be like, her new thing-to-do-at-a-party-instead-of-drinking. And I don't wan't my nutsack involved in some weird, co-dependant, relationship with this woman...

Also, auditioned for a pop band this week. I probably got the gig but I don't think I'm gonna take it. Sounds like a cross between Jewel and um, Melissa Ethridge (and that's a cross I don't wanna be nailed to).



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