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18:41:21 - 2000-06-19
racquet center
Quinz and I used to play racquetball at the Racquet Center in Studio City- so seventies man, I can't even say what. Oh wait, here's what- inside the locker room they had this giant mural in forest green and brown of THE mack daddy racquetball stud of all time. Total "dry look" w/moustache and wrist bands, high socks and shorts. Plus (so you could sport your own "dry look") they had little bottles of hair spray chained to the sink-counter! In the men's locker room! It was a window to a whole different of course they tore it down to build a strip mall. Anyway I was watching Greatest American Hero the other day (I wasn't high) and there was a scene in the old Racquet Center. The hero-dude was supposed to meet some guy for racquetball, but when he walked in to the court these two Arab thugs (kinky beards, sunglasses, suits) jumped him, strapped a polygraph machine to his chest and started asking him questions. Then there was a chase! Through the Racquet Center! So wonderfully preposterous.



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