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18:43:21 - 2000-07-05
eye surgery
I took a break from the BBQ THAT WOULD NOT DIE this weekend to drive Angela down to the Lasik Surgery Centre in BevHills so she could get her eyes repaired. I had this crazy urge to shout "Hey, does anybody else smell burning eye?" when we walked in the lobby, but I figured it might make her nervous. I showed less restraint when confronted with the lasik centre's um, "overwhelming" collection of truly horrid paintings- unctuous exemplars of a genre I'm dubbing "post-Nagel" : they left me no choice but to beg "...for god's sake doctor! Burn my eyes out with the laser...anything, just make this stop!" (Everyone else in the "Logan's Run vs. Courtyard Inn by Marriott" style waiting room seemed to take the paintings pretty much in stride- a fact I found strange until I realized they'd all just eaten Valium...).



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