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12:11 a.m. - 2002-12-20
well hello, kitty
Let me tell you a couple things about the Hello Kitty Vibrator. First, it exists...a weird enough detail in itself. Weirder still, it's an officially licensed Sanrio product, which implies that at some point in time, at some corporate meeting back in Japan (convened over what I imagine to be a giant corporate meeting-desk covered with profit reports, blueprints for next season's pencil boxes, prototype whimsical stationary, etc) some designer held up this cute-as-it-is-deviant pink wand and suggested, "He-ro Ki-te Bai-bu-re-to" to a roomful of her co-workers. And given the fact that, once word got out I was making a Hello Kitty Vibrator run, a frenzy of orders poured in the likes of which I hadn't seen since I quit slingin' Razor Scooters, we can conclude that said designer was on to something.

And, as a total x-mass sex-toy shopping bonus, I got the Sanrio-inflected Snoop Dogg chorus, "It ain't no fun, if Keropi can't have none" lodged in my head on the drive home...



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