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18:39:11 - 2000-06-06
Did a bit of freelance truck driving last week- DC to Atlanta. It was green and humid and buggy and I went several miles out of my way to sample the highly recommended Lexington BBQ in Lexington, NC. Good stuff man. Towards the end of the trip I found myself coveting the big Mercedes and Peterbilt rigs that the real trucker's maybe I gots a little trucker in me (it would explain my cravings for crystal meth, prostitutes, and brunswick stew).

So I get in last night and Allen-my-guitar-player, whom I had left the keys to the sled with, picks me up at the airport and the first thing he says is "I'm really sorry man, it's all my fault" which is not nearly as nice as "Aloha", a lei , and a kiss; and I knew instantly that he had neglected to move my car to the other side of the street last friday for the street-cleaners. I knew instantly that I had been ticketed and, because of unpaid parking tickets, the sled had been "booted". So my "vacation" had a pretty abrupt (and clearly demarcated) ending. Today I went downtown and paid $400 of the $635 dollars I owe (I only paid $800 for the car mind you), which emptied my pockets of whatever monies remained from my work last week. I left the LADOT building feeling like I'd been sodomized (and then kicked in the nuts); then I saw the parking ticket on the car I had borrowed to get downtown. The meter had just run out. So good to be home.

The smog today is hot and thick. It makes the city look like an Andres Serrano photo.



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