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18:37:34 - 2000-05-11

It's funny how moonlight softens everything. Coming out of the practice space at midnight w/my head ringing, feeling the good kind of tired you get from working on your own shit, mildly buzzed from sipping warm coors outa my trunk; the sketchy industrial wasteland that houses Sound Arena North Hollywood (insert generic metal riffage here) seemed strangely beautiful. The debris that collects in the corners where chain-link meets cinderblock softened into glowy little snowbanks and the plastic supermarket bags flapped like prayer-flags from razor wire- forfeiting their consumer insignia to the night. Even the cranky old dumpster looked content. Darkness eases the burden of being man, and our imperfect world can pass for God's imperfect world when the lighting is just right...

Walking down Manzanita with a gas can this morning and some little urchin standing in the sidewalk spots me coming. She's wearing a diaper and a kool-aid mustache and these white puffy like, snow boots that I'm seeing on a lot of babies nowadays. It must be the pink hair, 'cause a lotta kids seem to be fascinated with me lately; but for whatever reason she starts singing and doing this little monkey dance where she hops from one foot to another (show off) and when I get close enough she gives me this little leaf-dollar that she'd made. "Uh, thanks kid", I pocket the leaf dollar (actually worth more than my bank card at that particular moment) and keep walking. She follows me about half-way up the block, no guardian in sight.

Good luck kid.



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