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18:35:00 - 2000-04-30
palm reader
Serious blackout Saturday. I wake up at Angela's this morning and I'm a little shaky or whatever, and I'm creeping out the door so as not to wake her or this rock band that was crashing at her place (Macha- nice guys, they played with The Dylan Group- who killed man, go see The Dylan Group) and Angela wakes up and says "Do you remember anything you did last night?" Uh oh.

"What'd I do?"

"I wrote it on your hand"

Sure enough, on the palm of my hand was a list of my um, "antics" from the night before, followed by one of those little heart-outline shapes that girls draw. I gotta say, if you have a friend or lover who tends to blackout pretty regularly, this style of list makes a strong impression. I was too embarrassed to even want to know who else was around to witness my performance...



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