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18:34:05 - 2000-04-27
phone call

Bungalow interior, day. The scene opens with this guy dialing out on his phone. No answer. He hangs up, paces around the room, hits redail. No answer. He hangs up, makes coffee, hits redail. No answer.

Bungalow interior, night. Same guy w/his shirt unbuttoned and five o'clock shadow. The phone is sandwiched between his chin and shoulder, a candy cigarette hangs from his lips. He's making coffee, redialing compulsively.

"Hello", male voice.

pause, "Who is this?"

No answer.

"Who the fuck is this"

The other party hangs up.

He redails. The phone rings like, eleven times.

"Hello", female voice.

"Who was that?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Who just answered the phone?"

There's a long pause.

"That was Jim"

"What's going on?"

" just happened"

"What does that mean 'it just happened'"

"I mean it just happened...I didn't have any control over it. We just fell in love..."

"What the fuck do you mean you didn't have any control over it?"

"I just didn't...Haven't you ever fallen in love with somebody before?"

Everything goes out of focus. Puppeteers in black mummenshanz-type costumes move through the audience, kicking people in the stomach. The lights go down.



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