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18:32:17 - 2000-04-14

So I've gone 6 days on 8 dollars. No big deal- I got a ralph's club card...but anyway one of the cool food products I've been eating on the cheap, well I guess technically it's the only thing I've been eating (do beers count?) are these Oro-wheat "winter-grain" rolls. Basically a dark wheat roll covered in like, wild-birdseed. Good stuff, but after three days on the roll diet I had this really unsettling experience that made me think um, maybe they're blowing these out for a reason. I was in the shower (I wasn't high) and felt this strange lump on the backside of my penis, when I say backside I mean the ventral (or bottom) side, when I turned it over and squeezed to investigate I discovered what appeared to be a flax-seed (or at least what I, as someone who's never seen a flax seed before would imagine one to look like) imbedded subcutaneously. For some reason I was more curious than alarmed and I worried at the thing untill it broke the skin and slipped out. Sure enough it was a little "winter-grain" style seed. I let it fall down the drain (stupid) and finished my shower. I opened the shower door and the whole bathroom smelled like rose incense (none was burning nor had any ever there been burnt), I toweled off and, even though it was two in the afternoon, proceeded to take a two hour nap filled with strange but happy dreams. I still have the little exit did medieval folk describe the hallucinations brought on by moldy wheat? Was that St. Anthony's fire?



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