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18:32:52 - 2000-04-19

Downward spiral? Matters not. Just so long as I'm spiraling. It's been a mad season; and in winter-less-los-angel-es "season" is always relative. I'm going to make a concerted effort ('cause everybody knows that's better than a regular effort!) to recollect into html whatever disjointed impressions of the last 10 months I think might be worth saving. That way A) they won't be on a crumpled bar napkin that ends up composting on the floorboard of the sled, and B) maybe some of you teenage girls here at diaryland will come away from these stories w/a deeper understanding of an altogether foreign perspective. Maybe, for example, you'll come away from these stories less likely to ask "Mommy why is that man staring at me?" or "How come that hobo pissed on himself?"; and more inclined to say "I bet he keeps an on-line journal at diaryland...just like I do!" Anyway, that's the plan- but not tonight. For my forehead is sorely sunburnt, and what's behind it (my aft-head?) is burnt as well.



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