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18:48:38 - 2000-09-04
the cork
The Cork on Adams...we walked in on a Saturday night and first thing I see are three guys in silk shirts and cowboy hats. Cowboy hats. With jerry curls. On straight dudes. I was like "Gap Band! I love you motherfuckers!" Only really I was more like "Um, Angela could you get me a beer while I go find a table and try to look inconspicuous..." It was a straight up funky time warp in there- dudes in suits, dudes with walking sticks, older dudes looking (and drinking) like John Lee Hooker. Dudes dancing with their old ladies to the crazy jukebox. It was a different from the blue collar taverns I used to hit in Texas, or the beat Hollywood bars I go to now. In those places you really get a sense of alcohol as a depressant (mmm...depressant). But at the Cork it's like, folks are stepping out. Even though the bar is just up on the corner, you can still look sharp and make a big night out of it. And beers are fifty cents cheaper than they are in Hollywood! These guys are not only having more fun than me, they're paying less for beers! So my new game plan is to become a regular at The Cork.

Also, since I'm a white dude, it should be easy for people to remember my name. Or they can just call me 'white dude'!



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