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18:45:06 - 2000-07-25
Friday night I get in an argument with my girl at The Drawing Room and, although the reason we were arguing was probably pretty sound and serious, the argument itself centered around some truly stupid shit. But pointing out a detail like that rarely makes any difference, so I say good night and take off. Only I'm too fucked up to be driving back to where I gotta get I pull the sled up into one of the canyons and camp. It wasn't bad, there was a big laundry pile in the back seat that made a lovely nest in which I curled like a giant drunken hamster. I remember waking up tangled in some sort of Huisache bush w/my dick out, pissing everywhere...noticing how calm and quiet (and lonely) it was up there in the hills; and how, even though it sucked to be all scratched up and tangled in this giant bush, at least I hadn't pissed all over my backseat...So six thirty rolls around and that hard gray morning light is streaming in the windows and I wake up weak and shaky and my gut is on fire on account of I had neglected to eat the past couple days (and had put in about six solid hours at the bar the night before). I also notice my pager had been going off. So I descend into Hollywood and hit McDonald's on Vine. Now it may sound hypocritical for someone who spends the occasional night in his car to condemn any place for resembling a "homeless camp", but this place exhibits all the bad qualities of a homeless camp (urine smell, sticky black shmutz all over everything, an ALL TOO public restroom) with none of the good qualities (dogs, malt liquor, camaraderie). So anyway I manage to choke something down and then walk to the pay phone down by the old bus station to check my messages. There's a corpse-like funk all over the talking end of the receiver so I hold that part over my head, and, hands still shaking, dial out. The message was from my girlfriend- when she'd gotten home from the bar she'd called my voice mail and played me a whole song from her elementary accordion book.

I felt better.

Then I got hassled by the police...but that's another story. The main thing is she loves me and played the accordion and I felt better.



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