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18:51:17 - 2000-09-21
good show
Good night on Tuesday...we rocked the party at 14 Below. Some of our friends even shlepped out from the eastside, and this time we did not disappoint them. Then I got 4 hours sleep and PA'd all day yesterday on the Universal lot for a NBA promo. A Dragnet spoof w/Tim Duncan, Penny Hardaway and Grant, celebrities who I actually respect. It didn't take me long to remember that I hate PAing though. But hey, if I was starving in Pittsburgh I'd be pouring steel. I just happen to be starving in Hollywood, so I get to work in production. Suck. I'd rather pour steel. In my eye. Anyway, I was posted up outside the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas set for awhile and apparently the dude from White Zombie is directing a movie there 'cause he rolled up in a pass-van with a bunch of producer types and they had a meeting at the location. I gave him the old head nod as if to say "it's hard on us isn't it man, when we gotta rock out with our bands all night and then like, work over here on the lot all day", and he nodded back as if to say "you played for 15 people at some sports bar in Santa Monica and now your like, a traffic PA or quit staring and go fetch me a bottled water". Anyway, to reiterate: ERNST rocks now; production still sucks.



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