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6:05 a.m. - 2024-03-28
departures (lyric)

Been spending my morning hours on music of late; selfishly satisfying time I would have wasted otherwise/anyway. Weighing whether or not to record this one now...(fucking love-songs, ugh).


El Segundo's looking beat man, it's looking
as I park here where the sprawl falls in the sea.
Where the jet-fuel shimmers and those
silver birds climb
as I read your note goodbye a few more times.

This wilderness of nail salons,
this crass collage of tastes,
these folks waitin' in line just to get back home...
Now you're gone and I realize:
you were my sense of place,
and I don't think I can face this world alone...


Frigatebirds and federales
eye the docks
as the clamor of the queue rings in our ears.
So we step away and try to stay those
hands o' the clock
from turning sentiment to souvenir.

Tequilas and a brief embrace,
a gift and a joke...
Is this over now and when did it begin?
Estoy perdido,
en más de un sentido
As the ferry sails and steals away a friend.


There's ice out on the back-bays,
a blur of barren trees;
another empty platform comes and goes...
But my mind's still at the station, on
the way you looked at me
as the Metroliner pulled out in the snow.

Was it ego or ambition, man, that kept me
moving on?
Or some secret shame we'll never understand...
But so many miles later, and
some 30 years gone, I know
I never should have let go of your hand.




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