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2:47 a.m. - 2023-11-26
coffee w/Nora

Was sent home with a hefty surplus of leftovers yesterday, most of which need to be consumed in a timely fashion. I'm up for the task, of course, and look forward to it. Which means that breakfast this morning (a meal I confess to foregoing more often than not) consists of black coffee, an excellent Waldorf salad*, and yeasty rolls with butter. A simple but elegant repast, I daresay. Lacking only a pitcher of Mimosas really. Oh and a satin dressing gown...paired w/my casual, around-the-house, ascot. Also a crisp copy of the morning Times and the high-spirited, quick-witted company of my wife, Myrna Loy, across the kitchen table...

*Recipe tip from my mom: add a hint of cinnamon to the mayonnaise.



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