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11:01 a.m. - 2023-06-26
Stepson Brian

Did a little internetting last night and lo and behold it seems everyone else on the planet had the same take on the Titan submersible disaster, and many of them wrote on the topic; most with more eloquence and insight than I. (Although no one else, to my knowledge, used the term “artisan sub” so...back pat? golf-clap?) It seems that since I quit twitter I've been a bit out of touch w/the hive mind, kind of a reactionary solo-act if you will. Which is why I completely missed a bizarre ludic detail associated with this already-senseless tragedy.

Luckily Lyz Lenz, a writer I follow, remedied that. Every Friday she selects a Dingus Of The Week and delivers them freshly-skewered to my inbox. Thus, while catching up w/unread e-mail this morning, was I introduced to Stepson Brian.

“ is hard and weird and complicated. And there are no right ways through it. But there is a wrong way through it, and that’s the stepson Brian way.”

I have thoughts on the dude, but I'm laughing too hard to type. Also, if you want a dingus in your inbox (oh my) every Friday subscribe to Lyz's newsletter. Whip smart, and some of the best feminist/leftist content coming out of her part of Iowa, I'd wager.



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