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9:00AM - 2004-12-26
x-mas poem


Piratical reverb Korean.
Stairs are worn like gartersnakes
up peely-paint pads peeks are seein'
naked instant
infants aged-
halls aflood, TV and spices.
Flushing handskins, masa dusted,
sign the cross then reach for vices.
Baby Jesus,
Jesus, babe!
You've got no aversion, Mary.
Here's my manger-musty quarters,
take the burden I have carried.
Gangster barracks
lights n' tags-
merry Asian ship containers.
Windshield crunchy sprinklins sparkle
'round familiar pee-spot stainers.
Whisky panting,
bullets bit-
find yourself a God and thank it.
Stars are Christmas-cold and high,
and love has knitted my new blanket.



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