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11:50 p.m. - 2004-11-01
urf, I say

An air of cynicism hangs about John Kerry's blue suit like the stench of offal on a meatpacker's boots. An unpleasant vocational consequence, honestly come by. An attitude at odds, it seems, with the fantasy-construct half the US electorate feels it deserves. But, c'mon! Given the quantity of executive branch jibber-jabber he was charged with debunking in this year's contest...urf, man. Urf I say!

Do you ever wonder how information is disseminated throughout the scary new republican constituency? I'm guessing a lot of it must happen outside the public eye, maybe in those ubiquitous, pre-fab, steel churches you see dulling up our great American landscape. 'Cause these new convictions aren't just conservative, they're proudly out of step with contemporary culture. It gives me an uneasy feeling around election time- like there's a parallel American universe. A place where nobody eats Japanese food, watches Dave Chappelle, or like, reads.

Polls indicate that every other house in your suburb may harbor one of these stealthy, inter-dimensional, vote-golems...



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