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10:07 a.m. - 2003-12-09

"It's your dream. Play it." was recently selected as the new slogan for the California State Lottery, narrowly beating out:

"It�s your future. Piss it away."

"It's your paycheck. Now hand it over."

"It's your thing. Do what you wanna do."

"It's for the schools. Keep telling yourself that." and,

"Sure there's a higher statistical probability of being hit by lightning...but who wants to get hit by lightning?"

I was thumbing through a couple of my girl's "pop-feminist" magazines on the plane the other day, and I learned some stuff. I learned that complaining bitterly about how unfair media representation undermines women's collective self-esteem is a great way for gals who claim to know better to be every bit as weight-obsessed as their peers; and that no diatribe on the subject is complete until the author makes reference to her own weight and/or some pair of jeans what didn't fit her. I learned that you could poke fun at Cosmopolitan and Mademoiselle as long as the gratuitous fashion pictorials in your magazine feature more black lipstick and, most importantly, that feminists like taking stupid quizzes too.



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