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11:40AM - 7/15/03
ticket stub

The LA municipal transit system has started its Poetry In Motion campaign back up. This means poem-bearing placards are once again posted over bus seats next to the "Pass Your GED in Three Weeks Guaranteed!" and "Get Hip to Hep(atitis)!" signage. It's a good thing, this program. The mind is eager to escape its cramped, scratchiti-encrusted, environs and latches on to the poems w/unusual intensity; and the writing is well compiled. I memorized this one four years ago, wrote it on a bar napkin in one of those fits of lonely euphoria that the drink sometimes brings on, and slipped it later 'neath the door of a sweet lady I'd just met-

We just moved in together this month, that same sweet lady and I. This was cached in a cigar box along w/some other random notes, polaroids, etc. A mixed-media dossier on yours truly. Holding this napkin now- it's like finding an old ticket stub. 'Cause with this poem on that particular day...I was embarking, y'know? Embarking on a four year trip. Four years ridin' skulled through these too-bright and violent neighborhoods, sick as a dog fulla needles. Four years of watching this beat landscape scroll by behind the ghost of my own reflection. These bars, these blocks...these rollin' players playing out like played-out player-piano rolls, er.

Then one day you step off the bus and you're home.



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