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8:53 - 6-10-03
decks 'n ducks

We just landed another bar-remodel contract. Which is cool; high profile an' shit. In reality though, those gigs are kinda rare for us. Our bread and butter of late has been designing and building redwood furniture and decks. I know that building decks carries sort of "college kid swinging a hammer over summer vacation" connotation, and that this might give some 34 yr. olds pause to question the validity and/or viability of their careers; but goddamn- when it's sunny and 78 degrees out, and you're working up off of Mulholland, hanging a hot tub over a 30 ft drop...

you don't really mind that "college kid swinging a hammer over summer vacation" feeling. Especially not when the resident baby hawk (who refuses to materialize when my camera's out) lands his downy ass on a deck you just built. Or when your assistant for the week has variegated corneas that mimic the pattern of her coat, and a tongue that's an inch too long for her snout.

And if none of those things serve to lighten your load for the day, the sight of your business partner surrounded by plastic ducks surely must.

Quack. Laters.



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