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10:30AM - 2003-03-06
ciao bella

I'm rolling up on 100 entries...triple digits, baby. The century mark. This, I realize, is a goal. So in keeping with Ernst tradition, I'm going to fall just short of it.

Three years ago I was running a google search on like, "bears vs. robots", or something, and I hit Andrew's old page, BN2B, which linked me to Diaryland. At the time I'd never heard of weblogs, livejournals, etc. (back then I was mostly just into bear/robot combat), so Andrew's diary was an exciting discovery. After reading a few more diaries on the site I realized that, even though I lacked the affinity for kitties, pixies, emos (still don't know what that is), or vampires that drove the other grrls to write, I still had some thoughts worth posting in a fun, free, diary.

And it worked. The ninety-something entries here represent, um, not so much a map of the territory of the past three a box of souvenirs from the trip. And, since I'd be hard pressed to ascribe any sort of linear chronology to that particular timespan anyway, Diaryland-ing turned out to be the perfect mode of documentation.

I think that chapter, though, has closed. And I've a host of projects before me...all thirstin' for what scant creative juices I still manage to wring out of my dry, lemony, brain. So we're wrapping it up; but not before I thank Andrew by kicking him a little something for the free hosting. And not before I thank also the ERNST linkers, aka "The Legion of Hyper-Literate Super-Foxes" who are, judging from what I've read, 20% smarter, 40% sexier, and 100% radder than your average Diaryland subscriber. The fact that anyone out there feels an affinity for my esoteric rambling still kinda blows my mind...

Anyway, since my new "gold" status entitles me to a few months of image hosting, and since I recently discovered a scantastic old scanner in a box of junk at my girlfriend's house, I'm going to provide by way of an appendix photos of Los Angeles. Give me a week or two to learn how to use a camera, etc., but I will eventually throw something up.




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