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5:50 p.m. - 2002-03-28
sore throat
I realize that to brew a beer infused with Echinacea, Vitaman C, and Zinc would be to act in violation of the Reinheitsgebot...but I'm feeling the very specific need for that product.

I was on fire Monday night...or at least the recipient of multiple electric shocks. Every time my lips touched the mic my flesh bridged the circuit between a poorly grounded house bass rig and the PA. But fuck it. Since I'd been informed that our half hour set included load in and out (do we need a roadie, or a NASCAR pit crew?) I figured it was better to play on and get shocked than stop down and find the ground switch on an unfamiliar head.

Electricity's an acquired taste.

So...we pretty much smashed up the joint. It made me glad to be in a joyously obnoxious rock 'n roll outfit. I like people cheering and throwing horns!

So now I'm sick as hell and Allen seems to have injured his hand. Let's see if we can pull it off again next Monday.



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