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8:39 a.m. - 2001-06-01
fortune cookie
I was at this Chinese restaurant last week, and my fortune cookie said something along the lines of "You're about to embark on a terrific journey" or some shit, and I was like "You know that's not true cookie, so quit fucking with me. I don't even know why I bother eating you, you little liar. What was that? For the taste? taste manila like a folder, not vanilla like a Nilla", but, even though I delivered that entire harangue in my toughest Mr. T voice, cookie didn't flinch. Cookie stood by it's prognostic little scroll-baby.

So what could I do? I went home and made some phone calls and ended up flying into Boston sat. evening. An old friend picked me up and we drove down to her parent's beach house on Cape Cod. Some things I saw:

Her Dad: Cranky old republican Yankee, a little confused I think as to what I was doing out at his house, but he obviously loved his daughter more than anything (therein lay his redemption...tell me again wherein lies mine?) and he not only put me up, but stuffed clams and steamed five 2 lb. lobsters to perfection on Monday night. He also had a little bit of booze-hound in him, so we had that in common...actually, like most hardline conservatives, I think he liked having someone new around to argue with. Which is cool w/me, just keep the gin and tonics flowin' and the lobsters cookin' and I'll hold forth on whatever topic you wanna get worked up about. And these lobsters....sweet zombie Jesus. Tuesday I'm sleeping on the beach and Carolyn wakes me up, and she's in her little sun-hat and she's got a little cooler and in it she's packed me two beers and a lobster roll made from last night's leftovers. One of them Kennedy's coulda crashed a plane into me right then and I'd a died a happy man.

Horseshoe Crabs: It was spring so like, all the animals were gettin' it on. Most impressive of all though were these giant Horseshoe Crabs; dozens of whom came up into the marsh at high tide to make sweet prehistoric love to each other...whilst sexless, eyeless, oysters bore confused witness.

Stars: Laid out under the dune grass beneath dark Atlantic skies undiluted by city lights. Constellations I hadn't seen since high school in RI. And I was full of Lobster! Fuck yeah!

Carolyn's beautiful friend and her beautiful apt. up in Cambridge: It was definitely spring.

Lots of other stuff: Thank you cookie.



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