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18:58:32 - 2000-11-28
KPPC Public Radio, this solo carpenter's sole source of workday companionship, has become unlistenable in the wake of this election shit. Don't get me wrong, I like subjects with political implications- but the political process in and of itself is unbearably tedious. I do got to hand it to the Nader kids though for fucking things up good. As someone who trucks in vaguely anti-establishment art genres, I'm kind of licking my lips at the prospect of having an old school republican villain to kick around...wait a minute, weren't ant-establishment media icons Jello Biafra, Michael Moore, and um, Jackson Browne all public supporters of the Nader campaign? And aren't the fundamental tools of the resistance subterfuge and sabotage? You think maybe they used poor Nader as a tool to take out Gore (kind of a soft, boring, evil) so they could go back to that Reagan-era punk symbiosis; so they could have the easy machine to "rage" (sell product) against? Hmm. Chalk up another one for master sabotour Jackson Browne. So yeah I've been hanging sheetrock in silence, working on conspiracy theories and waiting for this thing to end, waiting for this cacophony of political punditry to pass and a return to the soothing, deliberate monotones of scholars, humorists (not comedians, mind you) and jazz DJs. Oh yes also, hearing the n so many timame Bushes during the course of my day sifted an old memory to the surface of my mind and, in a strange way, kind of reminded me that these political egos are attatched to human beings- Two weeks after high school graduation ('87), I made out with George W's cousin on a beach near her family's summer home in Rhode Island, that was back when her H.W. was still Vice President. I dunno man, she seemed pretty least according my 18 yr. old definition of the word...which basically meant she smoked cigarettes and fooled around with punk rockers. Politics, yep.



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