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18:56:38 - 2000-10-31
Saturday afternoon and I was still sans costume for the annual kick-ass halloween party at my old crib up in Beachwood canyon when I spied somebody throwing this giant ball of twine in the dumpster at work. Now I've never really subscribed to the notion of 'love at first sight', but looking at this twine I knew...we had a future together. So I scooped it up and took it back to Angela's and wrapped the whole damn tangledy mess around my head. Then I busted out of the bedroom and confronted her as she was applying her zombie prom queen makeup. "What the hell are you supposed to be?", she asked...a question that would prove to haunt me all evening. But even though I never gave gave an answer more satisfactory or illuminating than "a big crazy ball of twine", no one thought less of my costume. Because (in case you didn't see it) this twine was genuinely fucking awesome.

So yeah the party was cool and my posse represented. Troy went as 'just woke up in the morning guy' w/teddy bear, pillow, and this 12" plastic cock sticking out the fly of his pajamas. Robbie went as Milek, a jewish immigrant from Poland w/a bald-head wig and a giant beard and a Von's courtesy-clerk uniform. He also went five hours without breaking character, which is a Robbie thing. I distincly remember catching a glimpse in the bathroom mirror as someone inserted a coke-spoon up into the depths of the twine ball...pretty funny.

Oh yeah ps- Rice-Um and scotch. It's kind of Clockwork Orange or something...all mod and sinister like.



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